Photo by cottonbro studio

For anyone looking to attain anything, manifestation is one of those powerful techniques they might be interested in. But for those dabbling into meditation to improve their lives, how effective is this procedure?

Imagine manifesting anything into existence; what would you wish for?

When people think about powerful techniques like manifestation, it is something instantaneous. To manifest something sounds like making it exist by simply thinking about it out of thin air, like some perfect fairy tale ability. With this, manifesting sounds like something that would happen with a single flick of a wand – an utterly fictional capacity.

However, this doesn’t necessarily have to be fictitious.

Manifestation only becomes so when people want immediate results. But the thing is, this procedure is rarely ever automatic. Although they say nothing is impossible if people only set their minds to it, this doesn’t mean thoughts would immediately translate into reality. They could achieve anything if they put everything they have into it, but this takes effort and determination. This is what people allude to when discussing manifestation. But the question is, does this procedure work?

What Is Manifestation?

People have continuously sought powerful techniques and meditation processes to transform and improve their lives to identify and fulfill their callings. And manifestation has become one of those household procedures helping people cope with the past year’s challenges. The combination might seem unbalanced as they work in opposite directions. Meditation is achieved by clearing the mind while manifesting works by keeping the mind busy.

Manifestation proactively creates positive thoughts to help achieve one’s dreams and desires. It’s keeping the mind filled with positivity which lifts one’s vibration toward one’s dreams. The Manifestation Meditation Method pairs the right mindset and action to achieve the desired results and goals. To a certain extent, it’s thoughts paving people’s way to fulfill their desires.

But, again, it isn’t immediate like what others perceive, hence why they deem it unsuccessful. Such powerful techniques like manifestation take multiple practices to hone and master.

The Core of These Powerful Techniques

Numerous curated programs are promising the mastery of these procedures. From accessible audio meditations to journaling, people have created a long list of activities to align thoughts and lift vibrations. And for those who have only started dabbling into manifestation meditations, check out the Mana Gardening System.

It comprises multiple courses developed and founded by Michelle Shine and Keti Kamalani. Despite what its name makes it out to be, Mana Gardening primarily teaches people the fundamentals of manifestation and other powerful techniques. Each course is designed to make people experience the essence or energies within themselves, helping them live better and more fulfilled lives.

At the center of every course are the essential or core components of every procedure. The more people try different approaches, the more they’ll sharpen these abilities and the more they’ll find them recurring across other powerful techniques.


As manifestation is to create a reality out of one’s thoughts, visualization is at its very essence. Visualization allows people to look through their minds and determine what they want. People must be able to picture what they genuinely desire to successfully call out to the universe to conspire with them in achieving it.

Different practices usually use this method, taking one through their dream lives and visualizing the exact details they desire. What would their future look like? What do they still need to achieve a similar state? Through visualization, people must see these details play out and, most importantly, feel the increased vibrations and the surge of emotions in achieving these desires.


To lift one’s vibration and help quickly achieve goals, one must learn to appreciate and positively talk to themselves. This can be achieved through positive affirmations. This uses present statements designed to encourage self-belief and esteem, thus boosting one’s well-being. By using affirmations daily, the mind gets reprogrammed to manifest and believe in what one manifests.

After all, most of these powerful techniques are founded on the Law of Assumption. Thus, it’s helpful to state and believe in what one desires. Assumption and the belief thereof will help one receive and achieve it. People create their reality. By speaking their wishes into the universe, they’re one step toward making them a reality.


This is one of the highest vibration people can offer to the universe. When people are grateful for what they’re given, they acknowledge these blessings and subconsciously ask more of them. It’s expressing appreciation for what one has and what has yet to come.

People would often limit gratitude to being thankful for what they have. However, in the essence of manifestation, they can also be grateful for what’s coming. They can be thankful even before they’ve been given. The more people are grateful, the more positivity they attract into their lives.

Letting Go

“If we’re inviting more into our lives, why are we practicing letting go?”

When it’s the discussion of letting go, this means setting the intention and releasing any worries attached to people’s desires. Letting go means not worrying about when and how these desires will arrive in one’s life. It’s altogether leaving everything for the universe to deliver. By releasing these to the universe, people fully trust that things will fall into place and arrive when they’re fated.

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